Originally, I wanted to set out a table with the graphic and definition for each square, with links to a page for the square.
The discussion for that is HERE
Then I put the squares in an alphabetised list, all one page, with HTML anchors to speed up navigation
The discussion for that is HERE
I quite like the alphabetical list. It’s easy to use and it doesn’t feel cluttered. It’s made me re-think the idea of a table with all the graphics on.
I propose that we keep the format of the alphabetical list as it is and build a page for each square and link it to the alphabetical list. At the moment, the links on the alphabetical list take you to the graphic, definition and discussion for that square on GoodReads. I’d replace those links with links to new pages.
I imagine the Square Page as being similar to what’s on GR:
- The Square Graphic
- The Square Definition
- A curated list of books that fit the square.
I’d start by copying across most of the information on the relevant page from GR. We can then curate the booklist and check it’s still current.
Later we can link the booklist to a Games Library which would show all of the books listed for a square and all of the squares that they’re listed for.
Please give me your thoughts. Once we’re agreed, I’ll set up a demo Square Page.
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